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Welcome to the Solon Institute, the customised future knowledge HUB for MENA region and beyond.

Corporate Training



In today's dynamic business landscape, staying ahead is not just about keeping pace; it is about redefining the race. At Solon Institute, we understand that the heart of a thriving business lies in its human capital – the unique skills and talents that each member brings to the table. As the world evolves, so do the competencies needed to stay at the forefront of your industry.

We specialise in preparing your team not just to adapt but to lead and innovate.

Transforming Today's Teams for Tomorrow's Triumphs

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Let's Empower Your Team to Lead the Change: Beyond Bridging Gaps, We're Building New Roads in Corporate Excellence

Solon Institute

Corporate Training

Crafting Future-Ready Skills

In a world that demands innovative thinking and agile responses, Solon Institute offers org-specific training solutions that are as unique as the challenges you face. We believe in a training methodology that do not just inform but transforms. Our programs are designed to ignite creativity, foster critical thinking, and empower your team to drive your business forward with confidence and competence.

Our organisation-specific training programs are designed to arm your personnel across all divisions with the skills needed not just for today, but for the challenges and opportunities of tomorrow.

How It Works

Simple: we build/tailor a course for you from the scratch based on your needs and areas of development.

Contact Solon Institute today to discuss how we can help you.

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Best Seller 

Managing Generation Y​

Participants will explore effective strategies for managing, motivating, and integrating generation Y into diverse work environments, ensuring a harmonious and productive workplace in 2024.

Digital Literacy

It teaches future skills to navigate successfully in a corporate professional setting.

Spatial Computing

The combination of the physical and digital worlds through augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and sensor technologies. Participants will learn about its applications and potential impact across various corporate tasks, preparing them for the future of interactive working environment.

AI Empowerment

Focusing on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence at work, this course offers insights into how AI can be leveraged in business and corporate processes to enhance operations and decision-making.

Team Building & Competencies 2024

This course is designed to equip participants with the latest trends and practices in team building and development. It focuses on fostering key competencies needed in 2024 and beyond to build high-performing teams.

Change & Culture: MENA

This course explores the dynamic interplay between organisational change and cultural nuances in the MENA region. Participants will gain insights into managing change effectively while respecting and leveraging the rich cultural diversity of the region.

Religion & Work

Addressing the sensitive yet important aspect of religious diversity in the workplace, this course offers guidance on creating an inclusive and respectful work environment. 

Business Acumen

 Participants will learn to analyse market trends, understand financial statements, make informed business decisions, and develop strategies that drive organisational success.

Financial Literacy

We empower participants with a comprehensive understanding of financial concepts and tools. It covers key topics for the year 2024. Participants will learn to make informed financial decisions, both personally and professionally, enhancing their ability to contribute to the financial health and success of their organisations.

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Managing Gen Y

Digital Literacy

AI Empowerment

Team Building & Competencies 2024

Spatial Computing

Change & Culture: MENA

Financial Literacy 

Religion & Work

Business Acumen

Explore effective strategies for managing, motivating, and integrating generation Y into diverse work environments, ensuring a harmonious and productive workplace in 2024.

Learn future skills to navigate successfully in a corporate professional setting in 2024 and onwards.

The combination of the physical and digital worlds through augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and sensor technologies. Participants will learn about its applications and potential impact across various corporate tasks, preparing them for the future of interactive working environment.

The combination of the physical and digital worlds through AR, and VR, and sensor technologies. Learn about its applications and potential impact across various corporate tasks, preparing them for the future of interactive working environment.

Explore the dynamic interplay between organisational change and cultural nuances in the MENA region. Participants will gain insights into managing change effectively while respecting and leveraging the rich cultural diversity of the region.

Focusing on the transformative power of Artificial Intelligence at work, this course offers insights into how AI can be leveraged in business and corporate processes to enhance operations and decision-making.

Learn to analyse market trends, understand financial statements, make informed business decisions, and develop strategies that drive organisational success.

Addressing the sensitive yet important aspect of religious diversity in the workplace, this course offers guidance on creating an inclusive and respectful work environment. 

We equip participants with the latest trends and practices in team building and development. It focuses on fostering key competencies needed in 2024 and beyond to build high-performing teams.

Contact Solon Institute today to discuss how we can help you.

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