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Welcome to the Solon Institute, the customised future knowledge HUB for MENA region and beyond.

Team Building Activities

Business Simulation: Managers

Business Simulation for Managers is an innovative, interactive learning tool designed to provide managers with a hands-on experience in strategic decision-making and leadership.


This simulation creates a risk-free, realistic environment where managers can apply business concepts, test strategies, and experience the consequences of their decisions in a controlled setting.

Elevate Your Management Skills with

             Real-World Simulation

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Detailed Description

1. Realistic Business Scenarios: Our simulations are designed to mirror real-world            business challenges and market dynamics, providing managers with a practical          understanding of various business operations, including marketing, production,          and financial management.

2. Decision-Making Practice: Participants make a series of decisions that affect the        simulated company's performance. This hands-on approach helps in                                  understanding the impact of each decision on different aspects of the business.

3. Risk-Free Environment: The virtual nature of the simulation allows managers to            experiment with strategies and decisions without the fear of real-world                            repercussions, encouraging innovative thinking and problem-solving.

4. Enhanced Learning Experience: By integrating theory with practical application,         our simulations reinforce learning, improve retention, and provide a deeper                   understanding of business concepts.

5. Team Collaboration: Managers work in teams, promoting collaboration,                           communication, and leadership skills. This aspect of the simulation is crucial for           enhancing team dynamics and managerial effectiveness.

6. Feedback and Analysis: The simulation provides immediate feedback on the                 outcomes of decisions, along with comprehensive reports for in-depth analysis.           This feedback is instrumental in refining strategies and improving future                         performance.

7. Customisable Modules: We offer a range of modules catering to different                         industries and business functions, allowing for a tailored experience that aligns           with specific learning objectives and managerial roles.

Key Features

At Solon Institute, our Business Simulation for Managers is more than just a training exercise. It's a transformative experience that immerses managers in the complexities and nuances of running a virtual business.


This simulation is an invaluable tool for developing critical business skills, including strategic planning, financial analysis, market understanding, and team leadership.


  • Develops strategic thinking and business acumen.

  • Enhances understanding of market dynamics and competitive strategies.

  • Improves financial literacy and budget management skills.

  • Fosters leadership and team-building abilities.

  • Provides a safe platform for testing and refining business strategies.

This program is ideal for mid-level to senior managers, team leaders, and anyone involved in business strategy and decision-making. It's equally beneficial for managers looking to up-skill in a specific business area or gain a broader understanding of integrated business management.

Who Should Enrol

It is not just a course; it's an experience that shapes better leaders for tomorrow's business challenges.

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Solon Institute

Business Simulation for Managers

Detailed Description

At Solon Institute, our Business Simulation for Managers is more than just a training exercise. It's a transformative experience that immerses managers in the complexities and nuances of running a virtual business.


This simulation is an invaluable tool for developing critical business skills, including strategic planning, financial analysis, and market understanding, as well as team leadership.

More than Just an Exercise 

At Solon Institute, we are committed to providing an engaging, insightful, and impactful learning journey for managers. Our Business Simulation for Managers is not just a course; it's an experience that shapes better leaders for tomorrow's business challenges.

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